Questions & Answers

evo one inteface with viper smart start vsm 300

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I have a 2008 Lincoln MKX and have an Evo one installed on it keeping my factory remotes. the range for the start is very limited, I am in the U.S. so I cant use your smart phone start system. I have seen on here that the Viper smart start can interface with the evo one, but I am getting very little info on how to wire it up and get it to interface? Please help
asked Jun 16, 2019 in Lincoln by Jason27028 (230 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer

This would be the isntallation guide for evo-one and viper dsm550 (additional parts & flash link updater required):

answered Jun 17, 2019 by derek g (359,100 points)
selected Jun 29, 2019 by Jason27028
Thank you for the information, was very helpful, I have the data link cable ordered.
Ok, I ordered and installed the Data cable to link my Viper DSM300 to link to my Evo one, it plugged right up, I got a solid amber light, before installation I did just like the 550 instructions said, change the firmware to .83... did that, change the configuration to xl-202 and saved it.... plugged everything in and I have an old friend that I did installations with back in the 90's log onto DEI and activate my remote did and nothing. It will link up but will not communicate with the evo one???? Any suggestions, do you think it's because I'm using the vsm 300 and not the 550 pro????? And there is no green light coming on the Smart Start module, only solid Amber
After doing some research I have decided to return the VSM300 and just pay the extra and get the DSM 550..... plus the 300 works off of the Verizon 3G network which is obsolete and Verizon is supposed to have it phased out by the end of 2019
Is there a link to the FD Data cable that is needed to connect the evo one to the viper dsm550?

is the viper dsm550 still working with the evo one in the United States?
