Questions & Answers

D2d wire needed between evo-one and viper 5806v

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Wiring evo one in via wire to wire as theres more information on fortin, then I was going to use the d2d port from the evo one to the viper 5806v. Believe it's the red port on the viper and the 4 pin black on the evo. Can someone provide a ebay link to the part needed. Theres so many variations.
asked Mar 11, 2021 in Lincoln by Jeremy Boven (480 points)

1 Answer

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Is the 5806v a remote start system? after looking on google it appears so. The evo-one is already a remote starter and bypass module built into one unit, it is meant to be used with rf kits not remote starters.


Or do you have an evo-all?
answered Mar 11, 2021 by derek g (359,100 points)
I was simply using the evo one as the bypass and the viper rs/alarm. I just set up my nissan with a evo all bypass and the d2d to a viper rs/alarm. The 2 way viper with a 5 button 1 mile remote. Forgot model. But that works great. The viper I only needed the power and the pink ignition. Everything else operates through the d2d port. Want to do same on my lincoln just instead of evo all I'm using the evo one I have on hand. ?
Also what is OMEVOALL by omega... comes pre loaded. How can I find out what vehicles this is good for. Because I tried to flash it for different vehicle , but wont let me.
The evo-one doesnt do d2d the same way an evo-all does and it is not meant to be paired with a remote starter. Id suggest looking into an rf kit if you want longer range.


OMEVOALL is a module that was branded and sold by omega.
Derek. Hey I have a 08 lincoln mkz std key. I have a viper 5806v, I want to utilize both RS and alarm. Can you please tell me what you would use. The evo all, and this 5806. So I would wire in the evo , and d2d between the 2 units ? Then just a couple of wires needed for viper. What diagram would you use if this is the best option. I just wish there was a t harness. Or simpler way. We are talking 15 -20 connections need to be made. I'm in the moderate range installer. So please bear with me. Thanks a ton Derek.
For that vehicle if you want to use your 5806v i would pair it with an evo-all in d2d. This would be the installation guide for remote start:


You would also need to connect any additional wires from the viper unit to the vehicle for the alarm features/functions.