Questions & Answers

Vehicle doesnt shut off unless the lock 3x is used or timer runs out. 07 ford edge

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I followed the install instructions and programmed with two keys, and the it'll start, but I either have to way until the timer runs down or hit lock 3x. 2007 ford edge with evo all standalone.
closed with the note: brake status not detected on can-bus
asked Oct 29, 2017 in Ford by kyle skonieczny (180 points)
closed Oct 30, 2017 by derek g

1 Answer

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What is the service number to the module?
answered Oct 30, 2017 by derek g (359,100 points)
selected Oct 30, 2017 by derek g
service number is 001a06 725931
also on the options settings through the flashlink, i have a1-a11 and c1 and d1 turned on
With the key on in the vehicle, meter the black wire on the evo-all and tell me if it outputs voltage when apply the brake pedal.
the black wire is on the 20 pin connector and not hooked up to anything right?
there is no voltage on or off the brake pedal.
hhhmmmm this means brake is not present on can bus, were was can high and lo connected?
Yes the can high and low are hooked up.
to what pin numbers?
can high is to pin 3 on the DLC connector and can low is connected to pin 11 on the DLC
For some reason brake is not present on can on your vehicle. I suggest calling tech support for futher troubleshooting.


So per my phone call, to wire in a relay, I would need to wire 87 to dark blue wire, 86 to 12v out of brake pedal and 85 to ground and 30 to ground. Does that sound correct?

Here you go

thank you for your help