Questions & Answers

Vehicle does not switch off when key is removed

0 votes
Just finished installing EVO ONE with THAR ONE HON2 t harness. Enabled C1 and 38.2, programmed and the vehicle starts with 3x lock. However when placing key into ignition turning to on and then turning off the vehicle continues to run until the 15 minute timer passes. I can press lock 3 more times and it shuts off. If I leave the key in the run position and wait longer than 15 minutes the vehicle will stay running and then shut off with the key.


Am am I missing a setting?

Also as a result the EVO keeps the parking lights on during the 15 minutes even with key on and this causes the auto headlights not to function until the 15 minutes has passed. Probably related to the system not switching over to the vehicle ignition as well.
asked Sep 2, 2017 in Honda by Daniel Black (250 points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
Please provide the 12 digit service number, it sounds like option A7 is turned off in the options tab.
answered Sep 5, 2017 by J M (64,170 points)
002B02169869.  I will check tonight and enable A7 if it is not, is there another option that should be on as well?
It's off

Turn on A1 to A11
Enabled A1-A11 on the bypass side and the option to shut off when brake is pressed on the remote start side worked.  Vehicle now shuts down when brake is pressed. Thank you.
0 votes
The EVOONE will shutdown when the brake is pressed.

Remote start the vehicle, press the footbrake, does the vehicle shutdown ?
answered Sep 4, 2017 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
The vehicle does not switch off when the brake is pressed. I enabled the option on the remote start side and it still did not shut off when the brake was pressed.
When pressing the brake pedal, do the light in the back of the vehicle turn on ?
Yes, the brake light physically turn on, when the brake pedal is pressed.
0 votes
Turn ON Options A1 through A11 and re test your installation.
answered Sep 5, 2017 by derek g (359,100 points)