Questions & Answers

05 Altima install failed programming

+1 vote
I have installed my EVO-ALL according to the supplied information.  During programming step 4 when the blue light should flash, all lights turn off.  I have tripple checked the wiring and everything is in the correct location.  I am using a Crimestopper Cool Start system and have recieved no useful information from their company and several failed attempts at contacting Fortin customer service.   I would greatly appreciate any assistance with this issue.
asked Feb 13, 2015 in Nissan by Joe Hutson (140 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Please provide us with your service number on the bottom of the Evo ALL unit.


If the Blue light shuts off and does not flash at step 4, the Can wires not connected properly.

Everything is done through the Can Wires  in this vehicle, it is very important that those 2 connections are good and that the proper firmware and options are enable as needed.
answered Feb 13, 2015 by J M (64,170 points)
#0001A06 404836.  I checked again today and verified the connections between the Evo all and the CANBUS using a tester and had tone on both connections.  Wire colors verified as well.

This programming is the easiest to troubleshoot.


If Blue led stays on when turning ignition on, the module does not detect ignition


If blue led goes off when ignition is on, and also turns back on after turning ignition back off, this means the module does not detect anything Can-Bus.. There could be a few reasons for this, but mainly revovle :

  1. Connections not good
  2. Can-Hi Can-Lo reversed
  3. module requires an update


I apologize, but what is a CAN-HI and CAN-LO?  I've seen the term can and CANBUS mentioned a few times but I do not see what this is in the instructions.  I'm having the same problem and have verified all vehicle connections are correct and tested with a voltmeter.