Questions & Answers

Evo-all standalone with revo-4 extended range antenna RF kit has a power connection.

+1 vote
Does the power and ground plug have to be connected on the revo-4 unit to get the extended range the remotes work great but I get no range my understanding was if it gets power from the evo it didn't need it's own power, was I wrong??
posté Jan 13, 2016 dans la catégorie Ford par Jerry Griffith (620 points)
modifié Jan 13, 2016 par Jerry Griffith

1 Réponse

+2 votes
You don't need to connect the power and ground...I would contact crimestopper as i have heard a few people complain about the range of the revo and they informed me crime stopper is aware of the issue and in the works for realeseing a newer version of the revo...
répondu Jan 13, 2016 par derek g (359,100 points)
Thanks, there must be a problem on their end cause I get no more range with the kit than I got without it.