Questions & Answers

Evo-All Standalone and Crimestopper REVO-4 - Using Standalone Remote Start without 3-Lock-Press Command on OEM Remote

+1 vote
I have the Evo-All Standalone installed in my 2011 Ford Fusion.  I have also installed the Crimestopper REVO-4 extended range antenna, which comes with a four-channel remote of its own (lock / unlock / trunkpop / start).

The question is this -- can I disable the remote start functionality from the OEM remote (the three-lock press), while retaining the standalone remote start functionality?  What I'm trying to accomplish is to use only the Crimestopper remote to start the car.  Thanks!
posté Juin 9, 2014 dans la catégorie Ford par Steven Krieser (500 points)

2 Réponses

0 votes
Hi Steven,


Turn on the option D1-Stand alone but turn off C1-OEM remote monitoring. You also need to have the RF-Kit option turned on.
répondu Juin 9, 2014 par Robert T (303,700 points)
Hi Robert,

It didn't work.  It was strange, because I could change C1 option to "off," and save the result, and even flash it over.  But when I'd then reconnect and re-load, the option would be back "on" again.  I absolutely could not get the setting to "stick."  Any ideas?
Well that's a first. There seems to be a display error of the On-OFF option going on. I managed to repeat the problem you are describing with success.


Instead of using the EVO-ALL options tab, hit 'O' button. It will open a different Options configuration screen (used when no internet connection is available). Change the options in there and click save on top of the window. If you go in the EVO-ALL options window afterwards, it will show as On even though it is off.


Here's an example of the EVO i just programmed, you can enter your own 12 digit service number to check the options to:


Next update of the Flash-Link Manager will include a fix for the display error. Thank you for the feedback.

Thanks for sticking with me on this.  I gave your method a try tonight, and the option change did "take" using that method.  Unfortunately, however, the car still starts with the three-lock-press, in spite of the change.  I double-checked again to be sure the option change had been registered by the Evo-All, and C1 was still "off."

As I read the verbiage of the C1 option, it seems to imply that turning it off will prevent the Evo from sending OEM remote commands to an external remote starter or alarm.  But that's not what I'm trying to accomplish.  I want to trigger the Evo's built-in remote start capability with ONLY the CrimeStopper Revo remote.  (Incidentally, I do have the Revo connected and working, so there's no problem there.)

Anything else I can try?


What is the 12 digit service number written on the back of the EVO?
0 votes
Well it's not an answer but I was wondering how your range is with the REVO4? I have heard some online reviews lately that say it's not only similar to the OEM remote but in some cases worse. How are your results?

répondu Jan 9, 2016 par Dan Buley (350 points)