Questions & Answers

Remote start sometimes will not activate when the vehicle has been sitting for a while.

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2019 Ford EcoSport. Sometimes, the remote start will not start the vehicle, usually when it has been sitting unused for a while (hours). It seems like the vehicle is in some kind of sleep mode and something needs to trigger it to come out of this mode before it will allow it to start. Remote start is Compustar CS1900-S and bypass module is EVO-FORT3.
asked Nov 18, 2020 in Ford by Corey Steinke (220 points)

1 Answer

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That install, is purely controlled by the car itself. The EVO enables the factory remote start in your bcm. It's the car that decides if it will start of not. So unless the EVO is not receiving the "hey tell the car to start" from the CS unit, not sure what to tell you. RED LED on the evo should be turning on, this will confirm it received the "tell the car to start itself" from the CS unit.


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answered Nov 19, 2020 by Robert T (305,380 points)