Questions & Answers

Diagram for THAR-GM6 or EVOALL

0 votes
Hey guys im having a problem with my install. I believe I have it narrowed down to the brake wire.

Could I get the wiring diagram for either a THAR-GM6 (Rev.2) or a EVOALL.

Im almost certain that the brake wire out of the EVOALL does not have a good connection in the t-harness

asked Sep 30, 2020 in FAQ by Corey Cirino (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
what is the vehicle? I will send you the hardwired guide for reference.
answered Sep 30, 2020 by derek g (359,100 points)

I need the diagram for the THAR-GM6 not the vehicle

but... it is a 19 Sonic so it might help

Corey497 at yahoo dot com

I need to know what the wire color is for the brake pedal signal

We do not list the 2019 sonic pts.

It is currently not supported.


Here is the brake info for the 18 pts if it helps any
Holy crap, thats even better

So this is what ive figured out.

The EVOALL is out-putting 1.9v on the brake signal wire.

Its to high. In thery its telling the car that the brake petal is being touched not pushed down.

I need that down to 1.2v.

I dont suppose there is a way to do this?