Questions & Answers

Evo-All, smartstart and prostart module install help please!

0 votes
I recently purchased a smartstart module in hopes to add it to my prostart and EVO-ALL setup I currently have. I don't know what wires go where or if this is even possible as the data link cable seems to feed the prostart module and there is nowhere to plug in my smart start module. Sorry this is confusing I know. The wiring guide describes me plugging in two connectors to the prostart system and one four pin connector into the evoall which I can't seem to see where it goes and what all is involved. Any one help please. If I have it connected to my prostart module do I even need to connect it to. The Fortin bypass module as well?
asked Apr 2, 2019 in Dodge by carey thibodeau (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
You would need to contact pro start with this question as the evo will not connect to the smart start.


Your pro start should have a port that the smartstart will plug into.
answered Apr 2, 2019 by derek g (359,100 points)