Questions & Answers

No omega LinkR with evo-all 2015 Ford police interceptor utility

+1 vote
It’s a 2015 ford police interceptor utility. Does not use PATS, old school keys.  Cut black wire on evo all and connected to ground. Programmed with just flashing blue led and key off sequence because of no PATS.  Vehicle remote starts with the fob 3x lock.  However the omega linkR provides gps and voltage on app, but the remote start portion is not available.  Does the linkR needs PATS programming or am I missing something?
asked Nov 8, 2018 in Ford by Jacob Tennefos (190 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
you need to follow this guide for set up and programming:
answered Nov 8, 2018 by derek g (346,560 points)
selected Nov 9, 2018 by derek g
Thanks.  I hadn’t noticed that protocol was set to stand alone, and needed to be changed to fortin. All is well now.