Questions & Answers

cannot lock the door or unlock the door when the evo one is activate

0 votes
I have an Honda civic 2017 push to start manual. I have installed the evo one. i didnt connect the parking light to the car. i have programmed the evo one with the flash link for the version of my car at the moment, i think its the version 73.27 (if it can help i have installed the fortin evo one in november 2017) and didnt touch it after that. Also i dont use the T-harness i plugged every wire to the car directly like in the installation guide.

My problem is : i can activate the remote start. but when i leave the vehicule and when i press my OEM remote to lock the door it does nothing, the car still running. i need to open the door and press the brake pedal to close the car. so i dont know why the door lock doesnt work.
ive tried to buy the evo start to control my car with my cell phone. so i have installed the evo start in my car, i programmed everything and when i try to lock the door with the app it doesnt work too. i tried to start the car, but still do nothing.

I did not plug the wire for the lock/unlock with the car (cause i dont really know which wire is it) and i dont know if its really my problem cause i read the can bus should do it.

is anyone know what is my problem, cause i cant figure out what is the problem ?

thanks in advance.
asked Oct 21, 2018 in Honda by Sébastien C. (130 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
What's the service number
answered Oct 22, 2018 by Mike M (9,800 points)
The service number is : 002B07 202323
0 votes

For your lock-unlock not working:


For your EVO-START not working at all:


Also note. We completely changed the installation with no harness to offer takeover. Meaning the car would not shut down when opening a door. If you wish to do this, you need to flash firmware 4.11 and COMPLETELY CHANGE the installation.

answered Oct 23, 2018 by Robert T (305,380 points)
I will try this friday to reset the module and reporgramme the module. For the (+)ignition1 i know every wire there are correct, could it be my diode amp that is not good ?

I will keep you in touch if it's working or not for the evo-one and after that i will take a look for the evo start what's going wrong with.
I did the reset for the evo one and now the remote start is working, but, when i keep the brake pedal and put the handbrake, the door unlock auto, thats good. the problem is when i push the push to start to "close" the car, i have this message in my console : keyless start system problem. do you know what could do this ? its the first time i got that message. and when i dont set the remote start and close the car normaly and i dont want to remote start later. the message goes off.

Second question is : do i need the RFA2A for the evo-start ( i still didnt program it to the car, but its my next step) so i just want to know if i need the RFA2A before i program the evo-start.