Questions & Answers

2016 Honda Odyssey Shutdown as soon as I opened the door after I remote started it

0 votes
Hi there,

I have installed the EVO one, remote start works very well, but as soon as I open the door, the car shutdown, so I have to start the car from inside in order to go somewhere...

Thank you


Service NO 002B07273184
closed with the note: Take over is not offered on this vehicle.
asked Oct 3, 2018 in Honda by chanh nguyen (340 points)
closed Oct 3, 2018 by derek g

1 Answer

0 votes
It is supposed to shut down.


We do not offer take over on that vehicle.
answered Oct 3, 2018 by derek g (359,100 points)
what is the rearson for this that make the user have to restart the car everytime the door open?? Im just curios and wanna explain it for my customer, because I have installed this for my customer. And I did installed for one of her car before (Cadillac). She loves the way it work ( remote start--get in the car -- drive away), No need to restart the car

Thank you
because when its remote started, we only power the computers needed to remote start the vehicle.
is there anyway to not make it shutdown ? cuz I dont know how I will explain to my customer

Thank you
The way the vehicle is remote started it can not be driven. There is no way around it.
but I have Evo one on my Cadillac and after I remote start it, I go straight drive it without restart it again