Questions & Answers

2010 Mazda 3 EVO-KEY D2D support

0 votes
Hello! I have a customer that I plan on using using an EVO-KEY and Viper 4115V1B. Will the D2D protocol work or will I need to wire2wire?
asked Aug 17, 2018 in Mazda by Brandon Cleary (1,250 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If using only the Evo-Key, there is no point of going through data since the only thing the evo-key will be doing is immobilizer bypass duty. simply wire in 12v and ground and use the ground out when running wire of the remote starter to activate the evo-key (blue and white wires in the datalink connector can be cut and isolated)


All other necessary connections as per the guide must be tested and connected to.


Thank you,
answered Aug 17, 2018 by J M (64,170 points)