Questions & Answers

location of IMO wire in australian spec sti my17

0 votes
I'm doing a australian delivered my17 subaru sti (push-to-start) and I don't seem to have a wire in the location discribed for the Immobilizer, pin 25 red/white wire. I was hoping someone had another location to pick this up? Would this affect the firmware aswell ? Everything else on the diagram is present.
asked Jun 20, 2018 in Subaru by David Ancrum (130 points)
edited Jun 21, 2018 by David Ancrum

1 Answer

0 votes
Is your WRX STI Push-to-Start or Key Start?
answered Jun 20, 2018 by derek g (359,350 points)
sorry the vehicle is push-to-start
The pin is empty or is there a red/white or green/black in pin 25?
yes pin is empty. Would a picture of the 35 pin plug showing the pins populated etc be helpfull? If so is there an email address to direct it to.


connector should look like this
if not present, you might need to go to the ECU under the hood.

green/black , pin 43 of a 48 pin connector

ECU has 3 connectors. Should be in the first connector.


Make sure the light blue / black wire from the evo goes to the ECU side of the immo wire after cutting it.
I'm pretty sure the sti model doesn't have a ecu under the bonnet. Does anyone have any other listing or idea to figure out where i would beable to locate the Imobiliser wire?
What is the complete VIN to the vheicle?
Vin is -----------