Questions & Answers

Civic 2016 - OEM shut-off not working

0 votes
I am running 73.27 on the EVO-One. I had used a newer firmware version but it didn't work right. We actually tried a few versions via recommendations on this forum and settled on 73.27 since remote start works fine.

I use LOCK - UNLOCK - LOCK for remote start.

This is the key civic not the push to start civic.

So everything is fine except that this same configuration does not work to shut off the remote start. In order to shut it off, I have to go to the car and put my key in and turn the ignition on then off. Really hoping to find a way around that. I can't find any settings in the flashlink manager so I am concerned it's probably the firmware version. Let me know your thoughts.

Also, if it is the firmware version that might be a problem because my Flash Link Manager is telling me I am not allowed to flash this device anymore???
asked May 21, 2018 in Honda by Dominic Jalsevac (190 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The only reason you are not able to shut the vehicle down remotely would be that the IMMO Ignition wire was not cut as shown in the guide. This cut is what permits the OEM remotes to remain functional once the vehicle is remote started so that you can use them to shut the vehicle down remotely.


Thank you,
answered May 22, 2018 by J M (64,270 points)