Questions & Answers

Is the parking light suppose to stay on after remote start?

0 votes
My parking lights isn’t on when it is remote started. I would like to have it on until I drive off. Is there a way to do this?
asked Mar 24, 2018 in Mitsubishi by Chonsophanat Long (280 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
The parking lights should shut down after the take over sequence is done. Meaning they will be on the entire run time of the remote starter. This is obviously if you have wired in to the parking light circuit.
answered Mar 26, 2018 by derek g (359,100 points)
Yes I followed the diagram wiring with the function 31 mode 4 on but the parking lights still isn’t on during remote start.
What is the service number to the module please?


Also have you tested both the outputs of the module, and the wires you connected to? If yes how did each test?
Service # 002B05 020131


no I haven’t tested it.
That would be your next step, I see 31.4 is indeed enabled. So test the vehicle and evo to see were the missing link is.
Figured it out, it was just a faulty diode. Thanks!