Questions & Answers

3x lock to remote start activation on 2015 Honda Civic push to start

+1 vote
I need to program the 3x lock to remote start a 2015 honda civic push start, I just flashed my EVO ONE unit to 73.27 version and now I want to enable the 3x lock option FUNCTION 38 MODE 2 and (+)accesory 2 (E1) FUNCTION 2 MODE 2 but I don't see them on  option on the list, I need help to be able to activate those two options please
asked Jul 23, 2017 in Honda by Rafael Guzman (390 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Disconnect the EVO-ONE, Press the TOGGLE button in Flash-Link-Manager in the lower right corner (It will switch to Remote-Starter Connection Mode) then reconnect the unit.... go into EVO-ONE OPTION et voilà... whole new list of options... By the way, once you are in the Remote Starter side... why not update the unit smiley ...

answered Jul 24, 2017 by Charles Beauchamp (9,020 points)
Great, I got it programmed, Thank you very much for the support.