Questions & Answers

3xLock Remote Start and Cheverolet Cruze 2017

0 votes

I have an Evo one with T Harness fitted to my 2017 Cruze Auto. When I push the oem remote lock three times, the car starts but it will not shut down with the oem remote. The oem remote wont do anything. I can open it with the key but the engine shuts down and goes into alarm mode. If I start it with the oem I can stop it with the DEI remote. ( Its set up with an XL 202 range extender.) but this defeats the purpose. Then if I open the door with the oem it goes into alarm mode. Any ideas????
asked Jun 5, 2017 in Chevrolet by Pat Lynch (1,120 points)

3 Answers

0 votes

read notes

answered Jun 5, 2017 by J M (64,270 points)
The vehicle is not moving.
0 votes
The vehicle is not officially 3xlock compatible for this exact reason. Factory remotes are not operable when the engine is running.
answered Jun 5, 2017 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
Point taken. So why do they say that they are in auto mode only. Surely they should say 3X Lock start is not an option with GM flip key.

The EVO-ALL can still be used as a stand alone remote starter; either with a limited 3xlock start (if we can still monitor when the remotes whent he car is OFF), or with an RF-KIT (full control of door locks with an RF-Kit).


The mix-up with 3xlock start is Stand Alone Remote Starter.

Stand Alone Remote Starter simply means the EVO-ALL can be used without a Remote Starter; on automatic transmission vehicles. 


Stand Alone Remote starter will always be listed on vehicles even though the OEM remote may not be functional when started, simply because of what i mentionned in the previous sentence (will work fine with an rf-kit)


3x Lock Start Feature will show on any vehicle for an EVO-ALL when Stand Alone Remote Starter is available and OEM Remote Monitoring feature is also available, and that the OEM remotes are functional when the ignition is on.


I'm sending in a request to get that "OEM remotes only functional while the vehicle is at rest" changed to something else. As you said, the vehicle was not moving :D  I see the confusion.

0 votes

Please reconnect the module in connection mode bypass and access the options tab since at the moment your options don't look right

answered Jun 5, 2017 by J M (64,270 points)
I have uploaded the settings to the server. See what you think.

Evo One  Service No 002B05025502

Bypass Service   No 002B02025502

Your options are fine, what do you mean by:


So why do they say that they are in auto mode only. Surely they should say 3X Lock start is not an option with GM flip key.

Ok. the doc says 3xLock start is supported, yet if the oem remote is disabled with remote start,how can it be compatible. Is this not the cause of my problem?

If you look at the first page of the the guide, top right is the function for oem remote monitoring, with an asterisk,  looking lower, on the page you will see the meaning of the asterisk,

Ok. So that obviously means that it wont work with the cruze. Any ideas on the alarm part of question.

Which alarm is ringing? The Evo alarm or the OEM alarm?

If it's the OEM alarm, then enable D2 in the bypass side of the Evo and retest, the doors should unlock before vehicle remote starts and relock after.


If it's the built in alarm of the Evo, do following tests:

1.If you lock with the DEI remote, wait 30-45 seconds and reach in through the window and open the door from the inside, does the alarm ring? If yes, can you shut it down using the dei remote?

2. If you lock with DEI remote, wait for system to arm, UNLOCK with DEI remote, then open the door from the outside, does the alarm ring?


Repeat steps 1 and 2 with vehicle remote started and tell us the results.


Thank you,
Hi Rico.

It was the Evo alarm that was ringing.In step 1 both alarms ring and can be stopped with the dei remote. In step 2 ,no alarm rings. same thing applys during remote start. There does not appear to be a problem now. The only difference from yesterday is that I have disabled the 3x Lock start and fitted a dedicated siren for the Evo alarm (they were both using the horn as a sounder). I will keep you posted. Lastly is there a Ground When Armed output i could use to power aditional leds.
