Questions & Answers

I lost the transponder out of my key will this still work

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my key was torn upand now i don't have the transponder but I still have the key. will the evo-key still work?
asked May 30, 2017 in Ford by Bill Ragle (130 points)

1 Answer

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If the evo-key had already been programmed and is functional, then yes the evo-key will still work, however, you will not be able to start the vehicle normally with the oem key,


If your vehicle supports take-over, then in theory, you can remote start the vehicle, then get in and drive away, BUT, relying on only one way to start a vehicle is not recommended, since if for any reason the remote starter stops working, you will be stuck with no other way to start your vehicle.

We recommend going to the dealer and getting a new key(preferrably 2 new keys) programmed to the vehicle, be aware that you many need to reprogram the evo key afterwards.


If you are thinking that the evo-key will replace your broken key, then the answer is NO, you need a valid key (sometimes 2) to program an evo-key to a vehicle and connect it to a remote start system..


Thank you,
answered May 31, 2017 by J M (64,170 points)