Questions & Answers

Is it possible to use EVO-ALL as OEM remote 3xLock starter AND alarm, at the same time?

0 votes

Is it possible to use EVO-ALL as OEM remote 3xLock starter AND alarm, at the same time, without any optional module/kit (but with a valet key, of course)?

I don't see a clear picture of a reliable wiring connection for that.

In document 12971.pdf (20140528), on page 10, said that connection B would be for that, but on page 12 in the same document, connection B requires an external remote starter...

My car: VW Golf 6, my 2009, DSG7.

Thank you!

asked May 22, 2017 in Volkswagen by sorin adi (230 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer
Yes it can be done. You would need to follow this guide for the alarm portion:

In conjunction with this guide for the vehicle:

The flash link is needed to enable the specific options.

External trigger is optional.

Parking lights would require a relay.

Hood pin & valet switch are not included and sold seperatly.

You would follow connection A in the evo-alarm guide in conjunction with the vehicle specific guide linked above...
answered May 23, 2017 by derek g (359,100 points)
selected May 23, 2017 by sorin adi

Thank you for your answer, I have already installed the module (according to 60741 document) and the remote starter works like a charm.
My concern is that combining the 2 schematics, A2 and A3 inputs have different functions: as alarm, these are ext triggers, but as remote starter - inputs for external lock/unlock.

Anyway, I'll try an see what's happen, thanks again!

A2 and A3 will change functions to whatever is in the alarm guide once the evo-alarm feature is enabled. They will not be lock and unlock external control inputs anymore.
Still, some things are not as they should be, I think:
- if the engine is started by the remote starter, D3 setting to ON became irrelevant and opening the door does not stop the engine;
- the alarm can be armed with doors opened;
- only valet switch disables both the alarm and the remote starter, A8 input (hood pin/safety override switch) has no effect.

Thank you again!
Thanks for the feedback!


We will have to open a report though for the R&D team to take a look at as your issues seems mostly firmware/options related and not really anything connection related.

- if the engine is started by the remote starter, D3 setting to ON became irrelevant and opening the door does not stop the engine;
- the alarm can be armed with doors opened;

For these two points, please try the following.

With the unit connected, turn ignition on and open/close all the doors including the hood and the trunk. Then turn ignition off and test it out

wait a minute.... please turn on options A1 to A11, they are all off right now.

Door open shut down will work a lot better if the option for door status is ON.


According to all your recommandations, these problems are solved:
+ override switch working normally (the engine doesn't start with remote starter, and if is started by remote starter it stops with the switch);
+ engine does not start with hood opened, and stops every time the hood opens (not external switch fitted, but with CAN info).
But, there are still some strange behaviours:
- the alarm does arm with doors/trunk opened, but this time it warns with some chirps (although the car locks only if at least the driver's door is closed);
- remote starter can start the engine with doors/trunk lid opened. If [ONLY] the driver's door is opened before starting (so the car doesn't lock), it can be stopped [without pressing the unlock] only by opening the trunk (not any door) and triggering on the alarm. If I press the unlock on my remote before opening the trunk, the engine doesn't stop.

Thank you!

LE: Should I have to follow the programming procedure again?

Sounds too me like everything is actually working correctly.

- the alarm does arm with doors/trunk opened, but this time it warns with some chirps (although the car locks only if at least the driver's door is closed);

Working as intended. This is to warn the user that a certain zone is open and not protected by the alarm. See page 3 of the alarm guide for the different zones.

- remote starter can start the engine with doors/trunk lid opened. If [ONLY] the driver's door is opened before starting (so the car doesn't lock), it can be stopped [without pressing the unlock] only by opening the trunk (not any door) and triggering on the alarm. If I press the unlock on my remote before opening the trunk, the engine doesn't stop.

When remote starting while the alarm is armed, if everything is closed, and you do not unlock before entering the car or opening anything, the remote starter will shut down.


When remote starting with the door open and the alarm armed, the alarm already knows the door is open so it will not shut down (unless you close, reloack the car, and re-open the door without unlocking). At this point the remote starter will shut down naturally by pressing the brake, or since the alarm is armed, if any of the OTHER zones are opened, the starter will shut off.

...When remote starting while the alarm is armed...
remote starting cannot take place without arming the alarm

...everything is closed, and you do not unlock before entering the car or opening anything...
I cannot enter the car without unlocking

Sorry, but I miss the point.

Let's say that I tested some unusual conditions, but in normal use: everything closed/locked, push 3x lock, engine start, then push unlock to unlock the car and open any door/hatch, the engine keeps running. So, what is the point of D3 setting to ON?

Thanks a lot you for your time, I'm happy with the module right now, just want to understand some things.

D3 is to force the remote starter to shut off on door open all the time. If a door is already open (and the trunk since on some cars it is detected as a door), it will not shut down.


The EVO-ALARM feature will also shut the car down on door open if it was not unlocked. A thief would not unlock the car. They break in.


Is option D3 not working at all when the Alarm option G is turned on?  If so, I can only report this for now.


...everything is closed, and you do not unlock before entering the car or opening anything...
I cannot enter the car without unlocking

Best way to test and get an understanding of the alarm portion is to pretend you are  thief. Leave a window and close/lock the doors. Instead of actually unlocking the car, simply slide your hand in through the window and try opening the car from the inside handle.

Thank you again :)

As I said, after unlocking the car (started with remote), when I open the door, nothing happen, the engine keeps running.
Another strange thing I noticed about pressing the unlock button in this situation: the doors unlocks, but I can hear the doors' actuators 3 times quickly. In normal opening (without engine running), I hear the actuators only once.
LE: I see that no matter how the engine is started (by remote or normally by key), when engine is running and I press the unlock button on my remote, the actuators runs 3 times quickly. With the module unplugged, this is not happening.

And a new problem (could be a bug?), with my configuration: the valet button does not work as it should be. I have managed to enter valet mode a few times, but this is not working every time, I didn't notice any rule for that. Anyway, I couldn't manage to exit valet mode not even once (pressing 3 times the valet button), the only way was to unplug/plug the power connector.
Is it possible to call support directly when you get a moment? 1-800-336-7797
It wouldn't be a problem for me to call, but I'm in Romania right now, my local time is GMT+2...
Or we can solve this offline, I can post my observations, some short movies or everything you may need here, if you think is neccesary.
AHH, this is not a vehicle in North America.... this explains a few things :) !  I will need to check a few things and will report back.

Please try the the following in the order mentionned.

  1. Reset the unit -
  2. Flash the unit to firmare 75.25
  3. Set up the options in the unit (A1-A11, C1, D1, D2, G1)
  4. Reprogram the unit to the vehicle.

I think you want to say D3 instead of D2.

I did all the steps you asked, but the only difference I noticed was that now is a delay (about 2 seconds) between the moment I press the break and the engine stops. Except that, the valet button is still non responsible and opening the door does not stop the engine.

PS. the other observations remains:

1. when engine is running (no matter if was started normally or by the remote) and I press the unlock button on my remote, the actuators runs 3 times quickly (so quickly that the turning signals cannot follow them and double-flash only twice). With the module unplugged, this is not happening;

2. the engine stops only when, before remote start, the driver's door is opened, and I open the trunk.

I captured this behaviour, not great quality (with my phone) here:

PPS. truning D2 on do what is supposed to do, but has no effect stopping the engine when opening the door.


And after ignition ON and pressing valet button 3 times, most of the times (no rule about that, but I'd say 99% of the times) only a short flash of the BLUE LED is happening.