Questions & Answers

Evo One and Drone DR 3400 would not remote Start 2005 Honda Pilot only lock/unlock

0 votes


I follow the Guide # 27481 Connection 2 , Programming 2 , also did lock/unlock, Horn, disarm, GWR to Key Sense  and foot brake wires. When using the Drone app to start the car it would not start or do anything at all, no parking light flash, no light from the 3 LED beside the red light by the yellow wire cut loop.

When the lock/unlock  on the Drone app is press the door would  lock/unlock/disarm parking light flash and still no start. I have reset and master reset the module, reprogram, check all the  wires and relocate the ground wire still won't start or hear the relay.

Did I not program it right or am I missing some wires connection?

Bypass Firmware version: 73.26

Remote Starter Firmware version: 0.50 Drone

What I have hook up


(+) Ignition Pink to Black/Yellow car (+) Ignition

(+) Starter Yellow to Black/White car (+) Starter

(+) Accessory Orange to Yellow car (+) Accessory

(+) Parking Light White to Red/Black car (+) Parking Light

(+) 12v Red to White car (+) 12v


D6 White/Red to Pink (cut) at Ignition barrel going out  pin 5 Security Light

D4 White/Green to Pink (cut) at Ignition barrel side of pin 5 Security Light  


A1 to (+) Ignition

A2 to (-) Black/Orange car Lock

A3 to (-) Blue/Orange car Unlock

A6 to (-) Pink/Black Disarm

A7 to (-) lt. green/blue Horn

A8 to blue/black Key Sense

A10 to Red/Green Data Pin2

A11 to (+) White/black Brake wire

Would it be better to used RF kit before the Drone, seem the Alarm is working but not the remote start.  

Well, right now the Evo one is out of the car so I won’t be able to go at it until the weekend the only time I’m free. Any help would be great or  anyone who have done 2005 Honda Pilot  Evo One with Drone with some input how you got it to work would be great too.

Thank you,

closed with the note: Got Drone to work on option 20.1 not option 20.2
asked May 22, 2017 in Honda by Jerry Thor (410 points)
closed May 30, 2017 by Jerry Thor

2 Answers

0 votes

"GWR to Key Sense and foot brake wires"....Why is the gwr connected to the brake in you connected multiple brake wires?


answered May 22, 2017 by derek g (359,100 points)

No, they are not like that. What I mean is that the wire I have install of each of their own A8 to blue/black Key Sense and A11 to (+) White/black Brake wire.

Just for the pruposes of testing connect your rf kit and program it to make sure the vehicle does remote start and run....from there we can look into why the drone app is not sending the "start" command...let me know how it turns out.

You will need to re flash the remote starter with the suggested firmware before programming your rf kit.
I don't have rf kit , just place a order today for rf kit Fortin RF442W. I'll let you know when I get the rf kit or when I can go at it again.
0 votes

Did I not program it right or am I missing some wires connection?

Bypass Firmware version: 73.26

Remote Starter Firmware version: 0.50 Drone

RIght now, your unit has remote starter fimware 1.21.  You can see this here:

This is most likely your issue. (unless you have been changing firmwares between when you posted, and when I typed this, obviously) :)


Also, if the vehicle is automatic transmission, don't forget to cut the YELLOW wire loop on the back side of the EVO-ONE.



answered May 24, 2017 by Robert T (304,910 points)
Yes, I change it for the rf kit that would coming soon in the mail.

Yes, The yellow wire loop is cut
One last thing you can try is to enable option 20.6 in the remote starter. I know you require 20.2 but this is for testing to see if drone suffers an issue with the tachless setting 20.2.

Flash 0.50

Try drone for remote start...The vehicle should start run and die. If this works we have figured out were the issue stems from.

Also just as an fyi you are aware you cannot use rf kit and drone at same time correct?
I would try that over the weekend when I'm free.

Yes, I know you can't use rf kit with drone.
Okay, I got my rf kit install and the remote start work so that mean the wiring are done right.

But for the drone option 20.6 that did't work, went back try option 20.2 still didn't work. So I decided to try out option 20.1 and guess what that option made the drone app remote start work. Now, I'm leave it at that and just do the other wires and see how things go from there.

Is it okay to use option 20.1?

I'll be back if anything go wrong.
20.1 is fine to use, since in this mode the evo uses voltage sensing to control crank time, then switch to monitoring the tach signal through the can wires (datalink)

If the vehicle starts and stays running and all other features are functional, then you can leave the settings as is.


Thank you,
Yes, everything is working.

Thank you for the help.