Questions & Answers

Remote starter wont shut off

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When adding 0.50 firmware to enable Drone installation the car wont start with the remote start. It just cranks but wont start. When starting with the key, it will start but then not shut off. All dash MIL's stay lit. In order to shut off I have to initiate a start via the remote while it is still running. That shuts the car off but begins to start it again until I hit the unlock bitton.then the system disable. These episodes only arose about 5 months after the install and worked great daily. I re-flashed the unit and it works fine until i add the 0.50 firmware to enable drone install.  I would like to keep the Drone add-on. What are my options?
asked Apr 23, 2017 in Toyota by Christopher Burke (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Can you reconnect the module to the computer in Connection Mode:Bypass and recheck your option since when I Iooked at it, they were all messed up like this:

answered Apr 24, 2017 by J M (64,270 points)
Thank you. I will try this but why would it change on its own? it worked great for months