Questions & Answers

Jeep Commander not starting.

0 votes
I was able to program the device, when i go to start the vehicle doing 3x lock button, it makes a sound but it will not crank. Just makes a noise like when the key is in the on position. Noticed diagram says to add a hood pin. Will this prevent the device from working?

I am using a standalone config.

Thanks, any help is greatly appreciated.
asked Apr 10, 2017 in Jeep by Gino Rocha (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
You need to turn on options A1-A11, you evo is not sending key codes because you had turned off A3 (key bypass)
answered Apr 10, 2017 by J M (64,270 points)
Tried that, no luck. Not as easy as they advertise it to be.

When i hit the button 3 times, Blue light flashes, then it goes red, yellow, blue, then red flashes. Manual is bad, one says cut a red and orange cable, other says nothing is required.
How many times does red flash? It is giving you an error code as to why it won't start.

Also what guide are you following? First page upper right hand corner will have the guide number...

Did you follow this guide or connection C? You need to check the igntion connector for a starter wire in pin2.

Thank you
