Questions & Answers

2004 Chevy malibu will not start after installing remote starter kit with Evo All. Why?

0 votes
I hooked all the wires up according to the downloaded instructions. The only wire I have not hooked up is the PK3 connection as I do not believe my car has this option.
asked Sep 4, 2016 in Chevrolet by John Verhoog (160 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
Can you confirm what guide you used? if its guide #46721 you sill need to update you EVO-All, also what starter are you using?
answered Sep 5, 2016 by Adam Pepin (10,150 points)
0 votes
Please flash the evo to the recommended firmware when connected to the flashlink updater, and reprogram in the vehicle. Also, to test if you do or do not have the pk3 key, please wrap your oem key with aluminum foil (wrap the plastic head of key) and try to start the vehicle with this key. If it starts, then you don't have a pk3 key but if it does not start with a foil wrapped key, then you need to connect the evo as shown in the guide for the pk3 keys.

Pk3 keys also have either a PK3 or a + symbol engraved on the actual key near the plastic head.
answered Sep 6, 2016 by J M (64,270 points)