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2011 MK6 Golf R Sometime Disarms Sometimes Doesn't

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Hi I have some small issues with the fortin EVO-ALL connected via datalink to A Compustar FT7000 alarm/remotestart combo I am using my OEM Remote for locking/Unlocking duties and the Drone mobile system for remote start. below are the issues

Sometimes on unlock it disarms the FT7000 sometimes it doesn't.

Sometimes when starting the car with the key the hatch either locks or unlocks.

Won't Remote start with OEM Remote (Lock Lock Lock).

Firmware 75.22

The car is a right hand drive Australian delivered car with oem alarm and oem ultrasonics.

All help would be appreciated


Chris Wormald
asked Aug 19, 2016 in Volkswagen by Chris Wormald (410 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Your evo-all module right now is set up in "Standalone" mode, you cannot use the evo in this mode while connected to the Compustar unit, please turn off D1 and B2and turn on F2 (ap/ofa, which is the default datalink protocol for the compu unit)

Compu unit needs to be in the default idatalink protocol and the evo should be plugged into the black rs 232 port of the compu rs unit.

Please test after all these changes are made


Thank you,
answered Aug 19, 2016 by J M (64,270 points)
Hi Jesus thanks for your quick response I have done what you said to do but still no 3 x Lock, I will test the system tomorrow (it's midnight over here in australia!) and let you know if the other things have been fixed

Regards Chris
Ok so now I have a hole lot of different issues!

Car starts with remote start but only for 15 secs then shuts down and restarts for 15 secs and so on

The foot brake doesn't seem to be recognised through the can anymore but the bonnet switch does

while the car is doing the 15 sec remote start i can't use either the compustar remote or the oem remote to lock or unlock

Intermitantly when i try to use the boot release the oem alarm sounds even when the car is unlocked

on a side note the EVOALL reads the can fine
Ok after some troubleshooting I have reverted back to using the grey port on the compustar module with the EVOALL set to the "Fortin" Idatalink protocol and also down graded the EVOALL to 4.18 Firmware this fixed almost all the problems there are still some problems though

Still no 3 x Lock

When using the compustar remote to unlock the car it unlocks the doors but not the hatch and doesn't disarm the factory alarm unless it is remote started then the compustar remote unlocks all doors, Hatch and disarms the OEM alarm.

When the car remote starts it keeps the doors locked but for some reason unlocks the gas cap!!!!

Using any of the other Firmware above 75 all kinds of wierd things happen to the locks when using the trunk release, starting the car etc 4.18 seems to be the most stable


Chris Wormald

3xlock in your particular installation, is done by the compustar unit, it will need to programmed (if possible) to recognize these signals to initiate remote starting.

You odd doorlock/trunk/gas cap issues looks like datalink protocol issue, the evo-all should be set to F2=AP/OFA protocol and the Compustart to it's default Idatalink protocol and the black rs-232 port should be used.

If using the "trunk release" command via the compustar unit, "unlock before trunk release" option needs to be enabled in the compustar unit, since you will need to disarm via unlocking the oem alarm before popping the trunk.

This particular vehicle will start at almost any vw firmware, 4.18 included since we do a "key-wrap" solution, we do not do the immobilzer bypass via the evo unit internally.

But to make sure everything works fine first, follow the steps below as long as the vehicle is AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY.


Easiest way to test if the evo-all is doing it's job properly, is to:


1. Master reset as indicated here:

2. Flash to the latest vw firmware as recommended by the Flashink Updater.

3. Set the evo-all to "standalone" mode, by enabling A1-A11 to ON and C1 and D1 to ON in the options tab.

4. Double check that connections match guide number 60351

5. Doing all the steps outlined above will let you remote start the vehicle using 3xlock, and test proper doorlock functionality by pulsing the purple and purple/white wires on the 20 pin connector to ground, these wires will lock and unlock respectively.

6. Once everything functions properly while using the evo-all in standalone mode, only then do you disable the D1 option and connect it to your Compustar with the proper datalink protocol in both units and the black rs-232 port used.



Hi Jesus thanks again for your prompt response, i did as you said used the black port and the protocol you suggested but things got way worse as outlined above. Problems with remote start, problems with unlock/disarm etc. But in the grey plug using the fortin protocol the sytem is 90% working on the black connector with the ap protocol its more like 10% working

Rgards Chris
Then please try the evo unit in standalone mode (automatic transmission only) and tell us how it starts in this mode.