Questions & Answers

programming settings for 2015 tundra, everything works except it only cranks 8 seconds then tries again.

0 votes
please help.......
asked Feb 28, 2016 in Toyota by william branam (130 points)

1 Answer

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If you have a Flashlink Updater-2, could you please do this test, program function 20 to mode2 and retest vehicle to see if it stays running.

If YES, then there was an issue programming the can wires of the vehicle and the evo unit is not detecting a tach signal

if NO, then please disconnect the Light Blue/ Black wire from the vehicle and hold the OEM key next to the barrel and remote start, does it start and stay running?

If  YES, then the immobizer programming did not go well, please reprogram unit and try again,

If NO, then there was an error connecting to the Ignition switch wires if  no t-harness was used,
answered Feb 29, 2016 by J M (64,270 points)