Questions & Answers

Where is the white wire or the parking light harness located

0 votes
I don't know where this harness is that contains this white wire for the running lights to work while remote start is on.
asked Feb 16, 2016 in Dodge by Richard Lovorn (180 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

The white wire you will connect the brown white with the 1k resistor is at the harness going into the light switch assembly.

Thank you.


answered Feb 16, 2016 by J M (64,270 points)
If your talking like the headlights selector nob there is no white wire in that harness
Huh? All numbers? Is it going w a wire from the selector? Auto, off, RUNNING, and on.
2 choices,


1. Do not hook up parking lights, it is not required to be able to remote start your vehicle.

2. Take a picture of your headlamp switch connector from where the wires come out and email it to with the subject like 2012 ram parking light question


Thank you.
Thanks I figured it out. My buddy has a different brand in his ram but same concept. My wires are different colors. All or off. But I hooked it up in the same location as his and bam done. Thanks. FYI it's the wire in line w the other ones closest to the button release for harness on selector switch