Questions & Answers

Can you confirm tx/rx wires 2002 Mercury Mountaineer

0 votes
Tx/Rx signal wires are not comunicating with Fortin EvoALL bypass.  Fortin says its a connection error or swapped wire colors.  I have tried swapping both wires with no result.  Is it in fact Rx on grey/orange and Tx on white/light green @4pin transponder ring green plug?
asked Feb 5, 2016 in Mercury by BEN COOK (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Do you have a rectangular connector on the immobilizer connector or a square one?

If it is a rectangular one, the RX will be the last pin on the connnector or the first one depending on where you start counting. then the TX will be next to it.

Can you do a master reset as described here:

The please flash to the latest firmware by selecting Ford Explorer 2002 to be able to access the latest firmware, reprogram in car, dcrypt and test.


Thank you


answered Feb 5, 2016 by J M (64,170 points)
I have attempted all of the steps described as well as verifying my wiring connections.  The first step in the programming instructions is with the blue LED iluminated turn the key on and the LED should flash.  When the key is turned to run the Blue LED turns off, no flash.  It comes back on solid when the key is turned to acc or off but still no flash.  I attempted to move on to the next steps, including verifying the remote starter functions with key in barrel. I am able to perform all steps from there on including running the decryptor however i still cannot remote start without the key in the barrel.
Hi Ben,

The first part of the programming is for vehicles with CanBus wire connections. Since on your vehicle we do not connect to the CanBus wires.

Start with step 8 of the programming all the way to the dcryptor process.

Also is the red led on the evo-all turning on when the remote starter is activated? If not, please connect the blue wire to ground to see if the red led turns on, if yes, then try to remote start.

Thank you.
OK.  Skipped to step 8. followed procedure all the way through. still no remote start. vehicle security light flashes rapidly when attempting remote start, indicating no transponder signal.  Red LED @ evo all  module is on when attempting remote start.
Hi Ben,

Could you repeat the steps I mentioned above, and flash to 71.35 which is a special firmware that just got uploaded for you. then reprogram, decrypt, update, test.

Thank you.
same result. I have even resorted to trying a different evo-all thinking maybe a hardware issue is to blame but still no change. The red LED stays lit when attempting remote start but does have a slight 4-5 flashes, not all the way off and on but more of a pulse, when the remote starter initializes.?.? I have swapped the tx and rx signals and it will not even attemt to learn the signal if i do that so I am 100% positive that I am on the correct wires at the transponder ring. Is there a way to check the decryptor log and see if it is even a plausible signal that is being cloned? I'm sorry for the headache but I'm 8hrs into this install and am grasping at straws at this point.

I just want to ask if you did a master reset in between the firmware updates?

Follow these steps to reset unit.

after the reset, reflash the new 71.35, reprogram, redcrypt, redo update.

This firmware was made for a Grand Marquis that was having learning in the car

Yes a reset was done each time.