Questions & Answers

2010 Nissan Sentra w/IntelliKey starts with remote start but shuts off when driver door opens

0 votes
I use the factory remote lock 3x (add on, no additional remotes) and the car starts just fine.  The only issue I am having is that when I open the driver door (after using remote or promixity button on handle to unlock), the car shuts off.  Do I even need to have this wire connected?  Thanks
asked Jan 2, 2016 in Nissan by Joel Stone (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If door open shut down option was enabled this would happen. I cant see the options enabled with the service number as it must have been done offline.

Or if the evo doesnt see an unlock signal from the remote then it will shut down once opened. Is the blue led flashing when you hit unlock after its remote started?
answered Jan 4, 2016 by derek g (359,100 points)
Yes, when you hit the lock or unlock on the remote the blue lights flash on the EVO.
Did you set up the module? Or did you purcahse it pre set up?

Only thing that could casue this is if the option to turn the car off on door open was enabled.

If the car is getting an unlock signal beofer start and you see the blue led flash their should be take over...unless someone enabled that option.
Purchased pre setup.  Do I need to have the door pin wire installed for it to work/start vehicle?
no the door pin wire is not mandatory, Try disconnecting it and see if it makes a difference.