Questions & Answers

Can I use an antenna and remotes from a compustar remote start as a RF kit?

+1 vote
Can I use an antenna and remotes from a compustar remote start as a RF kit?  I would like to add an RF kit to my evo-one standalone autostart in a 2006 Dodge Ram and had this here.  If I can use it I will.  I don't see a manufacturer name on the components.
asked Oct 5, 2015 in Dodge by Jamie Chapeski (660 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Hi Jamie,


Please look at this guide here:

It shows how to connect a Compustar/Firstech RF kit to an Evo-One, you will need a Flashlink-2 Updater(sold separately) to set the proper RF kit protocol on the "remote starter" side of the Evo-One.


Thank you,


answered Oct 5, 2015 by J M (64,270 points)
Sorry, I have the evo-all in the truck and the remotes are a 1 way from a compustar remote start system.  Will that still work?  I do have the flashlink updater and used it on the install to set the options for the vehicle being diesel.

If the Antenna/Remote kit that you have is compatible with the FT-D100, you can combine EVO-ALL and those remotes without using the compustar remote start brain. This would allow 3xlock start and using the compu remotes.


Since you have the full compustar remote start system though, you can easily just install it and via datalink, the remote start system will tell the evo to start the car. This would allow to either use the 3xlock start or the compu remotes. Only things you would need to connect to the compustar is 12V, Ground, Ignition and the datalink between EVO-ALL and Compustar.
