Questions & Answers

I have a sp-500 rs/sec, and need a list of all compatible transmitters for that system

0 votes
I'm curious if the newer transmitters for the sp-502 would work for that older sp-500 system or if I will have to track down the older one??  And is there a transmitter lookup tool on the Crimestopper sight?  If there is I couldn't locate it...

thank you

Coleman Blom  Pioneer Music Co.
asked Sep 1, 2015 in FAQ by coleman blom (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

I would start looking here :

They might be able to help you out more with the compatibilty question you have about their products,

Thank you,

answered Sep 1, 2015 by J M (64,270 points)
I've already looked everywhere on the website, when you go into "transmitters" on their sight, all they list is just a handfull of 1 and 2 button remotes, when you try to select 90% of the remotes they actually have it takes you no where!  It's cool bro, I will just call tech support, I was just hoping someone might know off hand...

thank again
