Questions & Answers

Stand Alone Programming - 2015 Jeep Wrangler

0 votes
I installed a Evo-chrt5 on a 2015 wrangler and am unable to get it to remote start as a stand alone. I was able to get it to go through the program with the 3 times blue light. After programming, when I press lock three times the blue light flashes with each lock but does not remote start the vehicle.

Do I need to buy and enable options with the flash link programmer or am I missing something else?
asked Apr 15, 2015 in Jeep by Barry Pippin (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Upon checking your service number, I can see that the necessary options to enable 3xLock start have not been enabled yet.


You will need a Flashlink 2 updater and Flashlink Manager 3.52 to be able to access the Options menu and turn on C1 and D1 to be able to do 3xLOCK start


To quickly test if the rest of your connections and programming is good, you can test the system by pulsing ground (negative) to the Yellow/Black wire in the 20 pin connector of the Evo -All

answered Apr 16, 2015 by J M (64,270 points)