Questions & Answers

Evo-ALL standalone with both XL202 and Smartstart - 2012 F150

0 votes
I want to use an EVO-FORT1 to do standalone with both a XL202 and a SmartStart.  Normally I splice the datalink cables together to create a new harness for this, but what about the programming in Step 5 for the Evo? The XL202 and SmartStart are different options..... which one should I use? Or will this work at all?
asked Mar 26, 2015 in Ford by KOZ (750 points)

1 Answer

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You cannot connect both the XL202 and SmartStart via datalink, the smartstart eats up the data lines.

One way to do it would be to connect the XL202 in datalink, THEN go WIRE TO WIRE  for the SmartStart, unfortunately doing it this way, the SmartStart ends up working only ONE way communication mode. so no Status signals will be sent back to the SmartStart therefore no status update (door being opened, alarm triggered) on your cellphone.
answered Mar 26, 2015 by J M (64,270 points)