Questions & Answers

can't get evo-one on tach programming

0 votes
Hello, I'm installing evo-one remote starter for my Hyundai Tucson 2011 ( Diesel ) but I can't get to the tach programming, After the blue light flashes 10x , yellow and red light goes solid. I can do the 3x remote start but starter is grinding ( still cranking even when the engine is already running and stops after 1-2 secs. ). I tried hybrid mode to no avail as instructed from another thread. I tried -3 on tachless sensitivity but with the same result.
sequence when I did the programming:
held down programming button while connecting the power with the ff light sequence:
Blue -> Red ->  Yellow -> Blue & Red -> Blue -> Red -> Yellow ( this is where I let go of the button ), connected data cables then Ign to ON/Run position, blue light blinked 10x then Yellow and Red light goes solid.
pls help.
asked Mar 25, 2015 in Hyundai by Sherwin Acapuyan (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

1.Once the vehicle is running under remote start, can you shut it down by pressing on the brake pedal?


2. I'm assuming the vehicle is Automatic transmission, you can try programming Function 20 to MODE 2 (tachless only) in the Evo-ALL options in connection mode: remote starter if you are going to use the Flashlink Updater-2


3. Please provide us with the 12 digit service number on the sticker on the bottom of the Evo-One unit.So we can check the settings and firmware loaded.

answered Mar 25, 2015 by J M (64,270 points)
Hi thanks for the quick response.

Yes Engine shuts down when I press the brake pedal.6

and Yes, vehicle is auto trans, I tried that settings as well earlier with same result

fw was 76.17, tried downgrading to 76.15 but to no avail.

service number: 002B03 007919

base on the statement above, did I program the evo properly? or the red light needs to flash 10x as well? Im wondering if it's related to it.


pls advise
how did you program function 20 to mode 2? Was it in the vehicle with the valet switch?


Because when I enter your service number I cannot see the options meaning it hasnt been accessed using the FlashLink Updater-2
I used the flash link updater, I tried options 1,2 and 6 with same result, I set it under RS mode. I not sure why it didn't appear but does it matter if I'm logged in to the software or not? I'll try and again later and I'll post an update.

I just have a question on the programming part though.., is the red light supposed to flash 10 times as well after the blue light?

as per programming instruction

after the blue light flashes 10 times the red light should flash 10 times as well

then yellow and red light will go solid before turning the ignition off then back on?

you need to be logged in for the setting to upload to our servers,


the red led flashes might not happen depending on the firmware loaded, but the fact that the car shuts down after pressing on the brake shows that it's reading the can signals from the obd 2 connector.


try to log on tonight and access the options part in the remote starter side so I can see what's happening, Thanks

are you programming the options in the remote starter side by using the Evo One Options TAB (online menu) OR are you typing the letter O on the keyboard (offline menu) OR accessing the Options menu through the Configuration/Unit options drop down menu(offline menu)?


Because I still can't see the options that you have set in the remote starter side, only the bypass side, do you hear the relay clicking on the FLASHLINK UPDATER-2 when you toggle from connection mode: bypass to connection mode: remote starter?


I think your flashlink updater is stuck on bypass mode, try this.


Open Flashlink Manager,

Plug in Flashlink Updater-2

WITH NO UNIT PLUGGED IN, click on toggle button a couple of times really fast, you should hear the relay clicking, then select connection mode: remote starter.

Set function 20 to mode 2

Save settings
