Questions & Answers

can get blue light to flash

+1 vote
I have the yellow, light blue and light blue/black wires connected along with both can connections but can not get the blue light to flash. once i plug in all connection and insert the key the blue light goes out and when i remove the key the light comes back on but does not flash. i am installing this on a 2013 F150
asked Feb 12, 2015 in Ford by Dominic D'Alessandro (250 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
If the blue led shuts off when you insert the key in the ignition switch but does not flash, It normally means your CAN  connections are not good.  I would check the CAN wires, Then reprogram.
answered Feb 12, 2015 by J M (64,270 points)
i fixed my first issue but now i can not get the red light to flash repeatedly afyer programming the keys.
Did you connect the light blue and light blue/black wires from the 20-pin of the EVO to the T-harness?

Also, when cycling key1-key2-key1, the door locks will cycle at the end, this is the vehicle telling you that you have successfully entered key programming.

When trying to do the key-programming, key1-key2-key1, what do the LEDs do? Does the yellow LED ever turn on (and does it turn off?)?
when doing key programming the red and blue light are on and the yellow comes on then goes out with key 1. the lock cycle after key1-key2-key1. is there a step after the locks cycle. which guide should i be using?
i found the proper guide, on red and blue i insert key1-key2-key1 the locks cycle the red and blue flash then the blue flashes and the yellow comes on and i feel a click from the evo and the yellow goes out. i then try the 3x to start but the truck doesn not start.

For 3x Lock start to work, you need to have the options for this enabled, they are not set up by default since the evo-alls primary use is transponder bypass.

Currently, I see no options at all in your evo-all :


Here is a pdf of is required for OEM start : EVO-ALL OEM Remotes

I tried the programming again and found that after I plugged in the rest of the harnesses and turned on the ignition the blue light flashed rapidly then the yellow light came on steady. I continued with the following steps and everything did what it was suppose to up to the end when the evo clicked and the yellow light came on.
Do I need to purchase the data link for this to work with 3x start?
On the website it says the 3x start is a built in function.
its a built in function yes. But as the description for 3x lock states, it must be activated using the flash-link updater. If you take a look at the required accessories section also, the flash-link is also listed there
It would be nice to be able to purchase this as a kit. Now I have to pay another $35 for shipping.
True, but as a manufacturer of interface modules, our target clientele are the 12V tradesman/woman whom already have a flash-link updater in there shop.

As for purchasing the flash-link, I'd recommend contacting any of our authorized distributors.     You wont be paying $35 shipping from them; or just seeing if any local remote starter retailer has a flash-link in which they can set up the options for you.