Questions & Answers

can get blue light to flash

+1 vote
I have the yellow, light blue and light blue/black wires connected along with both can connections but can not get the blue light to flash. once i plug in all connection and insert the key the blue light goes out and when i remove the key the light comes back on but does not flash. i am installing this on a 2013 F150
asked Feb 12, 2015 in Ford by Dominic D'Alessandro (250 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
If the blue led shuts off when you insert the key in the ignition switch but does not flash, It normally means your CAN  connections are not good.  I would check the CAN wires, Then reprogram.
answered Feb 12, 2015 by J M (64,270 points)
Do I need to purchase the data link for this to work with 3x start?
On the website it says the 3x start is a built in function.
its a built in function yes. But as the description for 3x lock states, it must be activated using the flash-link updater. If you take a look at the required accessories section also, the flash-link is also listed there
It would be nice to be able to purchase this as a kit. Now I have to pay another $35 for shipping.
True, but as a manufacturer of interface modules, our target clientele are the 12V tradesman/woman whom already have a flash-link updater in there shop.

As for purchasing the flash-link, I'd recommend contacting any of our authorized distributors.     You wont be paying $35 shipping from them; or just seeing if any local remote starter retailer has a flash-link in which they can set up the options for you.