Questions & Answers

EVO-ALL - Bypass function not working on 2012 Camaro

0 votes
I am installing an EasyGo Push-2-Start system on my 2012 Camaro with the THAR-GM1v2 harness.
While all the connections seem to be working fine, neither push-button nor remote start work, but trigger the immobilizer system.

The EVO-ALL programmed fine, I tried the standard procedure as well as the decryptor one, had the data send to you servers and the result loaded to the module as supposed to be.

If trying to trigger the start manually using the dark blue (GWR-) wire and the purple-yellow (Starter) wire, nothig happens either.

Please advise.
asked Jan 23, 2015 in Chevrolet by Hank Rath (310 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Isn't the EasyGo Push2 Start system a complete solution? I went on their website and there is no application for your vehicle, which can only mean you are using the universal system?

I need to know how you have connected the EasyGo system to the T-harness and Evo-ALL, and the guide number you used, you will also need a Flashlink-2 updater and Flashlink Manager v3.52 to be able to set the proper options in the Evo-All.
answered Jan 23, 2015 by J M (64,270 points)
selected Jan 29, 2015 by Hank Rath
Get it too work as a stand alone remote starter first and work on the EasyGo after.

Thanks for the quick reply. Without any contents though.

I would have prefered if you had read my question and the provided information ...
Had described how I had been successfull running the decryptor service on your servers and also had downloaded the virtual bypass key to the EVO-ALL - how would i have been able to do so WITHOUT the Flashlink-2 Updater??

The provided service number would also have helped you see that the decryptor went through, and told you that the device was flashed with the 70-15 firmware recently - not possible without the Updater.

Also your visit to the EasyGo homepage was superficial it seems, see the link below:

The car is a 2012 Chevy Camaro with Automatic transmission.


Now that you have all this information, again my question ... why does my device not bypass the vehicles transponder when the GWR- input is grounded or the purple-yellow wire gets a positive signal ?

He was just asking questions to get more involved on the installation being done. A simple reply of, "I am following the application guide listed on the easycar website, here is a link :" would of been enough. This is an open Q&A forum. Meaning, anyone, even non-fortin employees can share help and support. Jesus is an employee and has also been a professional installer for over 20yrs.  If you were also expecting to have a direct answer to your problem, this would be unlikely since troubleshooting can take some back and forth of questioning and tests.

So here's some things to look at that will help troubleshooting problems.

The installation guide has two pogramming procedures; the Dcryptor programming procedure (programming 2) was addded for the 2014 GM vehicles listed in that installation guide. The 2012 Camaro should not need DCryptor so if you had success at programming 1, you could leave at that.

so what exactly happens when you try to remote starting the vehicle? Does ignition turn on?

When you ground the ground-while-running, what LEDs on the unit turn on?

When you then give 12V to the purple/yellow, what happens?

Have you tried the stand alone install as i wrote above? i think you are trying to do this at the moment since you activated D1 and C1, but why did you disable everything else except trunk release? Currently, you even have option A3 - Key Bypass disabled.     To use stand alone, all you have to do is enable D1 and C1, leave all the A options to ON.  you can test the system afterwards by either doing 3x lock or giving a ground pulse to the Yellow/Black wire in the 20-pin connector. Quick non related note here; the Flash-Link Manager should also be set to Connection Mode : Bypass. If it currently says, Connection Mode : Remote Starter in bottom right corner of the Flash-Link Manager, just hit the toggle (with the unit disconnected) to swap back the Bypass.


Thanks for helping out on this and making precise suggestions, I appreciate that.

I changed the connection mode back to BYPASS and set the options you had noted.
Unfortunately when trying the module out on the car, I could not get any blue LED flashes when pressing the lock/unlock buttons on the remote. With the key in the ignition cylinder and on RUN position, the yellow LED comes on.

I checked the CAN bus connection (brown wire from the small white plug) - even pinned it out to check the pins prongs are tight still and make good connection ...
Of course grouding the GWR or giving 12V to purple-yellow had no effect of any sort then ..

with the stand alone options enabled, grounding the GWR wont do anything. The stand alone option changes the inputs/outputs of the 20-pin connector. Grounding the GWR actually prevents starting in this setup since it's used as a hood pin input. So, lets forget about about the GWR with stand alone activated.

With the unit in stand alone as you have it now, technically pressing 3x lock (every 1 sec and not super fast) on the factory remote should start the vehicle, but you should be seeing the blue led flash at every press which awkwardly you are not. In this case, try grounding the Yellow/Black from the EVO. This wire acts as an external trigger to start or stop the vehicle when stand alone is enabled.

This is what i would do here since the EVO is a good 90% of the install and the only reason the easygo would work in the end.

  1. Master Reset the EVO (procedure linked below)
  2. Reprogram the EVO using the programming 1 procedure without DCryptor
  3. Go back to computer to enable options D1 and C1 since the master reset turned them back off
  4. try remote starting the 3x lock or grounding the yellow/black


Master Reset Procedure:

  1. Hold down programming button while plugging in datalink connector.
  2. Let go of button when LED is RED.
  3. Push and hold button again until all three LEDs start to alternate.
  4. Disconnect unit, she is now reset.

you instructions worked out fine!
I reset and reprogrammed the module according to your comments and it did the trick. I was able to start the car both via 3xLOCK and grounding the Yellow-Black wire.

Now, you said that this was the 90% of the install ... how do i now change the options to have the EVO-ALL bypass the car's immobilizer when the EasyGo tries to start the engine?

I think the problem will be, that the ACC out and IGN out from the EasyGo connected to the related EVO-ALL inputs will be interfered with by the bypass out of the EasyGo - as it provides ground NOT only during the start process, but also during ACC and IGN mode - which when fed to the EVO-ALL GWR(-) will result in IGN mode (ready to start).
So i need a solution for that, somehow modifing the Bypass Signal to only ground the EVO-ALL GWR short before starting ...

Lastly I understand that by changing from the stand-alone mode to bypass, I will be losing the option to use the external negative trigger to start the car from the GSM module, right?  Why is that so? Will this come available in a near future firmware upgrade, maybe?
Or better, is there a work around to maintain this nice feature - would it be possible to utilize the GWR (dk blue) and Starter (purple-yellow) wires to accomplish the same effect?

I asked EasyGo to send me the installation guides yesterday. Looking over it, it seems there system is full universal and to be used all by itself in conjuction with a Key-In-The-Box type transponder bypass (that 2 pin connector on the unit).  Looking at their installation guide i do not see any direct ground output that activates external units such as the EVO-ALL (I do not see any ground-while-running output on the EasyGo system basically). I cannot speak for them and I would highly recommend contacting them as they may have hidden secrets about their module.


The EVO acts completely different internally with the stand alone option enabled. We cannot add a trigger such as the yellow/black I made you test when not in stand alone (that input is actually a trunk release input when stand alone is off). If the EasyGo had or has some type of negative trigger ouput (which im not seeing on the guide they sent) you could in theory use that to trigger that yellow/black wire.

Quick note. The yellow/black wire works in two different ways naturally. Either a ground pulse to start and ground to stop the vehicle; or a constant ground would start the vehicle until the ground is removed.

Or better, is there a work around to maintain this nice feature - would it be possible to utilize the GWR (dk blue) and Starter (purple-yellow) wires to accomplish the same effect?

When not in stand alone the EVO is more a slave unit then anything else. Those 2 inputs would need to be supplied by the master unit. The also GWR needs to be constant ground for the module to stay active.

I think the problem will be, that the ACC out and IGN out from the EasyGo connected to the related EVO-ALL inputs will be interfered with by the bypass out of the EasyGo - as it provides ground NOT only during the start process, but also during ACC and IGN mode - which when fed to the EVO-ALL GWR(-) will result in IGN mode (ready to start).

This is where it gets complicated since the EVO is intended to work with (or as) a remote starter. Meaning, the unit will be shut down once a user were to put his key in the barrel and drive away.  As for the ACC, even with a remote starter, you do not need to connect that wire to the evo, the EVO doesnt even connect to acc at all anyway. 


Not to seem as though i am pushing you away now, but, we got the EVO working. Now it's up to EasyGo to explain to you how there system would work on a Chevy.


Thanks a lot for your efforts and time invested in explaining the working priciples of the EVO.

I would just need some final answers, please...

  • To switch from stand-alone to  bypass mode ("slave" as you called it above) i just turn C1 and D1 to off - or do i need more adjustments than those 2 ...?
  • In bypass mode .. is there any latency needs between the GWR grounding and Starter 12V signal - or can they happen simultaneously?
  • Did I understand you correctly, that if in bypass mode the GWR needs to be grounded during the whole engine run time or just until the engine is running - the GWR grounding is not just to trigger a one time unlocking of the immobilizer, but its absence shuts down the running engine (like the second option on yellow-black in the standalone mode)?

Thank you again for your patience.

When I finally figure this whole interaction between the EVO-ALL and the EasyGO out, would you be interested in a write up?



D1 is the main option that swaps the unit from being a regular bypass to a stand alone starter. C1 is only used to monitor the remotes so that the vehicle can be started by 3x Lock.

The GWR needs to be before the start signal. Especially since this is a GM. You technically can't even have accessory turn on with ignition; this wouldn't allow cranking at all.

The GWR needs to be present during the entire remote start runtime. It's basically an On / Off switch. The car will most likely shut off with this type of installation if you were to remove the GWR at any point when it is remote started.

If you want to do a write up go right ahead, it well help other people who may come across trying to do an EasyGo on a GM vehicle.