Questions & Answers

Reset the programmed keys

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Please tell me how to reset the programmed keys so that I can reprogram them?
asked Feb 18 in Mazda by Vladimir Olifer (510 points)

2 Answers

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answered Feb 19 by Vladimir Olifer (510 points)
0 votes

What is it you are trying to do? reset the evo-all module?

If so, has the evo already been programmed to this vehicle successfully prior?

Best regards.
answered Feb 19 by derek g (359,100 points)

I'm trying to re-program the keys. I made a mistake when programming the keys on version 71.47, I updated to version 85.14 and now when I connect the unit to the car, all three diodes (red, yellow, blue) blink. Before that, the unit was successfully programmed on my car.

"all three diodes (red, yellow, blue) blink"

- This would indicate the unit is no longer programmed to the vehicle.


You can try flashing it back to 71.47 and re programming it in the vehicle, however if after you cycle the 2 keys the evo all just blinks the red led, this means you have rendered the module no longer use able for this vehicle.

I would strongly recommend in that case that you use an evo one and a maz3 harness as it is much more simple and geared towards end consumers. Otherwise you would need another evo-all module to be able to program it to the vehicle.


Best regards.
Thank you. Tell me more, when programming keys on Evo All, should I follow instructions 62681 and perform step by step or maybe you can recommend another method. I remember you told me about the decryptor after step 1-12 or did I misunderstand something?
Correct, follow this guide:

Perform steps 1-12 and see what it does.

Best regards.