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I installed Evo-One on 2019 (2020 model) Subaru Forester (PTS). The rear edge of the fuse box was not as shown in the diagram... And I did not find any CAN wires there. Then I connected the CAN wires to the red and blue wires in the connector, next to the IMMO DATA wires. I programmed it successfully, but when trying to start the remotely, only the ignition opened... The starter did not turn (the starter wire is not indicated in the diagrams). Then, I connected the starter wire to the gray-red wire next to the IMMO-DATA wires. The engine started, but the doors did not open from the standard remote control. After that, I connected the CAN wires to the white and black wires in the connector on the back of the dashboard. And already opened the doors...
asked Jan 13 in Subaru by G M (16,420 points)

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