Questions & Answers

Red light flashing at the end of programming

0 votes
After a few tries and using the forum here, I couldn't get the yellow and red light to come on at the end of programming my diesel sq5 2013.

I tried a number of things, including different versions and resets. Always ends up with the red led blinking rather than the yellow and red.

Can someone tell me what firmware version I should be on?

The wizard goes to 60.8, but the manual says it needs to be 60.10 or higher. So I tried both for the q5 and sq5 versions.

Can someone reset my flash limit?

I used 7 out 8 at this point. Looks like I'll need more by the looks of it.

My car is giving me power steering warning errors? Any ideas why that is happening?

SN: 001A07 470303 (module for reset). Assuming that is the serial number required.
asked Sep 10, 2023 in Audi by Marcel Salvador (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes


I reset your flash limit.


60.10 is the correct version for the "no key loss" solution.


How many times in a row was the red led blinking? It is giving you an error code. 2x per sec? 3x per sec? etc.


Best regards.
answered Sep 11, 2023 by derek g (359,100 points)
Thanks.Flashing red once per second.
Does the blue led flash rapidly at the beginning of programming?

Was this isntalled with the AUDT1 harness?

What is the complete vin number to the vehicle in question?


Thank you.
I don't recall it blinking blue rapidly. Everything behaved as per manual until where the manual said it would switch to yellow and red, but only blinked to red.

Yes, audt1 harness.

Vin WAUZZZ8R2DA093024
"I don't recall it blinking blue rapidly. Everything behaved as per manual until where the manual said it would switch to yellow and red, but only blinked to red."

- If the blue led did not blink rapidly then you need to verify your grey and grey black can hi and lo wires.

- Also, this vin does not come back to any vehicles based in NA. Where are you and the vehicle located?
Ok. I'll double check what happens. All the lights blinked as per manual, and only at yellow and red step it didn't.

I'll check the can wires again.

I'm in Australia.

Do I need to reset or do anything else before trying again?
"Do I need to reset or do anything else before trying again?"

- No