Questions & Answers

Evo Start 2 says running for a few seconds then says off but car is running

0 votes
Installed Evo all with twvw1 harness and Evo start 2

yellow wire from Evo start 2 connected to purple/yelllow wire from Evo All (ign + out)

Evo start will say "Engine On" but the tach needle doesn't change, and then it says that the engine is off the next status request I send.  But the car is running.

It will show that the voltage is 14+ and the temp rising in the car.  But shows the engine off.
asked Dec 25, 2022 in Volkswagen by chris tuulos (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
This may be easier for you to call in. Issue can be with a phone setting which will be easier check over the phone.

Otherwise, what is the 12 digit service number on the module?
answered Dec 27, 2022 by Robert T (304,910 points)