Questions & Answers

Evo all not starting

0 votes
I'm not using the idata link so I cut the wires and the red is going to 12v and the black ground. I put the black plug in and it won't cycle through the lights. Please any help appreciated
asked Feb 9, 2022 in Saab by Timothy Nunez (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Please provide the S/N number on the back of the unit.
answered Feb 10, 2022 by derek g (359,100 points)
If you hold down the programming button then plug in the black 4 pin connector and no lights turn on then the module is missing either power or ground.


If it powers up at the computer on the flasher this further confirms the above statement.
I just connected it to the computer and it doesn't power up
If the unit never powers up then that would lead me to believe it may be damaged.

If you physically confirm with a multi meter that its getting both power and ground and it does not light up, then I would suggest contacting your point of purhcase in regards to exchanges/returns.