Questions & Answers

2012 fj cruiser no G key

0 votes
I wired the module in but the vehicle doesn't have the required g key for some reason even tho it's a 2012 model fj cruiser. Is there a way to bypass the g key transponder or am I SOL? The key I have is an L key
asked Jan 3, 2022 in Toyota by Mitchell ignatius (250 points)
edited Jan 3, 2022 by Mitchell ignatius

1 Answer

0 votes
L & G are the same thing essentially. Why toyota used 2 letters I have no clue. You car is still considered a G key.
answered Jan 3, 2022 by derek g (359,100 points)
I was reading up on a blog and people were saying that the g key has a better transponder in it where as the other one does not. But if that was the case I don't think the vehicle would run then. The problem is when I go to the programming part on the vehicle the light stays solid red like it's supposed to but when I put the key in to the on position it doesn't flash like it's supposed to and it just stays solid red
What is the S/N number on the back of the module?


Also, what installaion guide # have you followed? The guide number can be found on page 1 in the upper right hand corner.
I don't have the s/n at hand right now but this is the one I followed because that's what it looks like in the inside compared to the other one. Maybe I should try the other wire diagram? 2012-2014 t harness diagram is what I used
please provide the s/n when possible.


which of the 2 t-harness guides did you follow?
I used guide 19481. S/n is 002b04 134102