Questions & Answers

Evo One not recognizing brake signal or key take over

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I have an Evo One starts and stop from FTX64- 2W, tried  it in two different vehicles same result. It's not recognizing key take over or 12v to black wire in 20pin connector  to shut down.  I read in a post, Derek mentioned wiring in a relay from the brakes that would send ground signal  to the hood pin wire. Sounds like it will work. Will it have any adverse effect while driving, sending ground signal to the hood pin while driving if the key is not being recognized as being switched on?
asked Oct 28, 2021 in Chevrolet by Carlos Paige (750 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
What is the year, make and model of the vehicle?

Key or pts?

What is the S/N number on the back of the unit?
answered Oct 29, 2021 by derek g (359,100 points)
Hi Derek, it's a 2005 Chevy Avalanche, uses Key, S/N 002807 121171  FW 70.18 and 1.25. I wired in a relay to send ground signal to the hood pin wire when the breaks are pressed, the relay clicks and ground goes to the tach wire but does not shut down. Tested with option A11 on and off.

I have a second unit that I tried in this vehicle, S/N 002807 244757 same FW. but I can't get to key programing or master reset, I switch the key on immediatetly hold down valet switch 5 to 10 seconds no rapid red under loop only yellow on top. Switch vehicle off I hear 1 short horn, park lights and red led under loop  flash 4 times.
I think in a situation like this it would be best to call Fortin tech support when you have the module(s) and vehicle on hand.




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