Questions & Answers

key override all

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Hello. Today I set the key override for the 2009 fit. When programming for the second pressing on the valet button, the LED began to flash, but was programmed. When we start the engine remotely. then it also flashes constantly. What's the matter?
asked Oct 14, 2021 in Honda by G M (16,420 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Sounds like the KOA programmed.

Does the vehicle remote start?

Does idle mode work?
answered Oct 15, 2021 by derek g (359,100 points)
selected Oct 16, 2021 by G M
Previously programmed on Toyota. And then here, for the FIT. Yes, it is started from the remote control and the LED KOA flashes quickly.
If the car is started with the key, then it does not flash. It was necessary to adjust the GWR only for 8-10 seconds.
Please send SN of the KOA to
The client left happy. Already 2 days. Nothing rings. Will something happen by this blinking LED? S.N. KOA 000102342670