Questions & Answers

evo all programing issue

0 votes
Using this guide I get stuck on step 9 of the key bypass procedure. The LED sequence where the blue light is supposed to flash rapidly never happens its just goes on. Everything before this happens just like the intruction say.
asked Sep 23, 2021 in Chevrolet by Ronald Arbour (330 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

BLUE led flashing  is for the CAN-SW. The first thing to look into would be the connection to the CAN-SW wire.

2nd thing would be to test the yellow wire of the 20-pin to see if it is reading ignition.  

Both CAN and ignition can be tested eaily by trying to program CAN only.

  1. hold button in while inserting the power
  2. release when the LED is BLUE
  3. Turn Key ON

If BLUE led stays ON, the module is not detecting ignition. (check that plugs are fully seated and check the DLIS fuse)

If BLUE led turns OFF but does not flash, check the CAN-SW connection at the BCM. 


answered Sep 23, 2021 by Robert T (305,010 points)
selected Sep 23, 2021 by Ronald Arbour