Questions & Answers

Evo-one keeps disconnecting from Flash-link when trying to program remote starter options

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Flash link not detecting Evo-one when trying to access remote starter programming. Bypass features program correctly but can't access remote starter options. S/N 002B04 134160 Every time I try to access remote start settings on Flash-link, it auto selects special unit and Evo-one red led shuts off then loses connection.
asked Jun 5, 2021 in Mazda by Jaime Penaranda (190 points)
edited Jun 6, 2021 by Jaime Penaranda

1 Answer

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Fist thing to try would to another module to find out if your issue is coming from the evo unit or the flashlink updater/cable/computer usb port


If you do not have another module, testing on a completely different PC would be the next thing to try
answered Jun 7, 2021 by J M (64,170 points)
Tested on 2 PCs and same outcome. Tested on another old module and it lets me access remote start programming with no problem.
Reset the remote starter portion, not the bypass by following the steps in this guide.

Press unlock on the oem remote first.
Not with that reset no. The bypass reset is completely different.
Nothing is happening when I press the valet switch. Can't even get it to into valet mode? Checked valet switch with a voltmeter for continuity and switch is good. **Edit got the something going with the valet switch, no horn or sound, or led light change but I can see the internal led flickering on and off. Will check if reset worked

you won't hear the horn unless it's connected, same with the parking lights. 

There's a RED LED on the back of the unit where the yellow wire is coming out of the unit, following that will be the easiest. (NOT the red led on top)


1. Ignition ON, press and hold valet button (RED led will start to flash)

2. Press and Release valet button 23 times

3. Press and Release the brakes once (red led will flash once)

4. Press and Hold the valet button about 10 seconds (RED led will turn on then off)


Also , for the reset to work, the system needs to be in a disarmed state. That RED LED will be flashing slowly if the system is in an armed state. If it's flashing slowly, press unlock on the oem remote, led should stop flashing. 

Ok reset successfully. I will check if this fixes the problem with the programming. Looks like this also wipe y bypass programming because won't auto start now
that reset doesn't wipe the bypass, it is 2 completely different chips. But, it will wipe all the options in the remote settings back to default. So if you had 3xlock enabled, it will get put back to default of no 3xlock. Any other options that were enabled in the remote starter settings, would also need to be re-enabled.
Unit still giving me issues with programming. Luckily replacement Evo one came in the mail today and programmed successfully in a few minutes. Thank you