Questions & Answers

RFK942 not working after disconnecting and reconnecting the car battery

0 votes
After getting the RFK942 working I did some maintenance on the car.  I disconnected the battery to perform the maintenance required and after reconnecting the battery I attempted to lock the doors with the RFK942 remote.  The remote sent the signal but doors did not lock (LED turned red).  I thought that perhaps the antenna needed to be reprogrammed so I attempted to perform the programming procedure again.  The antenna would not program (no blue LED) so I connected it to the Flashlink Manager to see if something had been turned off.  The Flashlink Manager did not recognized that the antenna was connected.  From this I am gathering that the antenna was damaged when I reconnected the car battery.  Is this possible?  If so, what can I do to prevent this from happening again?  Would a different RF kit work better (for example the RF642W)?
asked May 16, 2021 in Acura by Luis Sanchez2 (950 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I would suggest calling into tech support so we can diagnose the antenna to determine if it has been damaged.




Be sure to be at the vehicle with access to module, flasher and rf kit.


I have disconnecte the battery in my personal vehicle before and re conncted it and had no issue with my personal 942 remote. Unless a voltage spike occured or the battery was connected in the wrong sequence, I dont see why it would be damaged.
answered May 17, 2021 by derek g (359,100 points)