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09 altima evo-all w/thar-nis1 tharness. Wanted to add siren and shock sensor need wiring diag.

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Evo,all w/thar-nis1 t harness, oem remote, standalone. Green wires are for lock n unlock. Where is siren wire ?
asked Feb 22, 2021 in Nissan by Jeremy Boven (480 points)

1 Answer

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After option G and G1 are enabled inside the unit you would follow this guide:
answered Feb 22, 2021 by derek g (357,980 points)
According to the 2009 nissan altima push to start with the Thar-nis1 harness and the standalone, the wiring diagram say that the Green and the green/white are to go to the lock and unlock. In the guide 6221 it shows those 2 outputs as being siren, and horn. But clearly 2 different colors for that. So according to the guide with the t-harness I need to know what wire to use for valet. Also the wire for siren, and the shock sensor. I have a dark blue left believe this is for the hood pin. Then I have 2 purples. I was under the impression these are the sensor inputs. For alarm. Shock and proximity. Purple and purple/white. So if I'm right I only need the valet, and siren wire.
hhhmmm, ya you might run into a problem here. Is this being controled via the OEM remote or through an rf kit?
Oem. Now you see my issue on that green set of outs. I'm hoping just by turning on the alarm it does assign those 2 wires to the horn/siren. Because as of the t-harness standalone guide those 2 are suppose to be hooked up by me to the ecm for unlock/lock
72.48 firmware I flashed to evo-all. And the Guide # 84541 is the guide showing me what to do with those 2 green wires. Unlock/lock. Also what color wire for Valet ?
Wouldnt suggest using the alarm portion of the EVO-ALL on this car for two reasons.

1. If using only the oem remote to control the system, it will not be able to disarm the alarm if the vehicle is remote started.

2. Adding alarm means you will be losing the lock-unlock outputs.


EVO-ONE would be a better option, only point 1 would need to be taken into consideration. EVO-ONE IS a remote start with alarm combo with a built-in bypass module... VS the EVO-ALL that is a BYPASS module with options to use it as a remote starter or an alarm.


EDIT: ignore point 1.... thought i read 2008 Altima but it's a 2009.
Ok I need the valet wire color ?. Or is it , on the hood pin wire ? Also I have a couple Viper 5806v remote start/alarm NIB I could potentially just use. Was trying to use just Fortin because of the great service. Since I'm t-harnessed in on the evo-all can I use the 4 pin d2d, or the port the flash loader uses to connect into the viper so I dont have to go wire 2 wire. I'm very new to this.
Hello ? Wanna get this done yesterday
You can use D2D.

Make sure option F3 is enabled in the EVO-ALL. You can find it under the Datalink Protocol section.

Since the Viper 5806 is a combo, make sure to turn OFF opton D1 stand alone remote starter since now your install type is a REGULAR install.  

Specific to the NIS1 vehicles, you will also have to enable option B2.

Regular installation guide found here:


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